How’s the Co-op working out in the house? said Alex. Just fine, said Blurtso, except that they think I’m some sort of guru.
Tag: humor
“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (IX)
“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (VIII)
With all this snow, said Blurtso, I don’t think I’m getting enough exercise. Maybe you should do some tai chi, said Harlan. Could you teach me? said Blurtso. Sure, said Harlan.
We’ll begin with a simple circling exercise, said Harlan.
A little less like an airplane propeller, said Harlan, more slowly, and more side to side.
“Blurtso lets go of a dream”
“Blurtso looks at the snow” (XXV)
I wonder why it seems that everyone I meet is busier than me? I go to school, keep up with my classes, give my time to charitable causes, and help friends in need… but I still have time to sit and watch the snow. Maybe donkey years are longer than human years, and a donkey’s day is seven times longer than a human day.
“Blurtso loses track” (IV)
I’ve opened and closed the latch on this barn door every day for three years, said Blurtso, and I can’t remember what it looks like… I couldn’t begin to describe it, or describe a thousand other things I’ve used again and again and again. Yes, said Harlan, that’s the way it is, we stumble blindly along, and then one day we’re gone and only the forgotten things remain.
“Blurtso looks at the snow” (XXIV)
I wonder if I should be anxious about the passage of time? I suppose every second that passes carries me closer to death, and I should try to fill every second with as much life as possible. But you can only fill what was empty to begin with, so first, I should try to make every second as empty as possible.
“Blurtso goes green” (IX)
“Blurtso goes green” (VIII)
“Blurtso goes green” (VII)
Hello, said Renzo. Hello, said Blurtso. I saw you on TV, said Renzo. You did? said Blurtso. Yes, said Renzo, and I thought you might like some help. Some help? said Blurtso. Yes, said Renzo, getting your greenhouse under control… my friends and I could help you graze. Thank you, said Blurtso, that would be lovely.