Category: Food and pumpkin pies

“Blurtso stops for refreshment”


Hmm, thought Blurtso, would you look at that… an abandoned tavern. A place where firelight once flickered on the walls and ceiling, where animals and people stopped for refreshment, exchanged words and glances, then continued on their way.

“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (V)


A donkey was pursued by two tigers, one from in front, one from behind. He also had a Chemistry exam the next day. “Is there any more pumpkin pie?” said the donkey.

“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (II)


What’s your inner parakeet telling you? said Harlan. He’s telling me, said Blurtso, that there’s a half-eaten pumpkin pie in the fridge. What’s yours telling you? He’s telling me, said Harlan, that someone already finished the second half.

“Bonny and Pablo go for tapas”

There’s a bar on Inman Square named after Salvador Dali.


Ración de tortilla y una caña, said Pablo.
Y para la señorita? said the barkeep. Lo mismo, said Bonny.

“Blurtso follows a star”


And they came from near and they came from far,
bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and pumpkin pie.

“Blurtso and Harlan consider Christmas”


I suppose some people get depressed at Christmas, said Blurtso. And New Year’s, said Harlan. I suppose, said Blurtso, the memories make you reflect on what you do and don’t have. Too often, said Harlan, on what you don’t. Is there any more cocoa? said Blurtso. Yes, said Harlan, plenty. And whipped cream? Yes, said Harlan, a full can.