Tag: holiday greeting cards

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (VII)


The snow sure looks soft. I’ll bet I could leap from this treehouse and the snow would break my fall. I’ll bet I could do a back flip and land without a sound. But no one would believe it… if I didn’t make a sound. People don’t put much stock in silence.

“Blurtso and Harlan consider Christmas”


I suppose some people get depressed at Christmas, said Blurtso. And New Year’s, said Harlan. I suppose, said Blurtso, the memories make you reflect on what you do and don’t have. Too often, said Harlan, on what you don’t. Is there any more cocoa? said Blurtso. Yes, said Harlan, plenty. And whipped cream? Yes, said Harlan, a full can.

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (IV)


I wonder how long it will snow? Donkeys are desert animals. We shouldn’t like the snow. But the houses and streets and yards look like dunes in the waning light. And the snow-covered cars look like donkeys, quickening their pace at the end of a journey home.