And they gathered and said, “Speak to us of busy-ness.”
And Blurtso replied:
Most people do what they don’t need to do
even when they don’t need to do it.
Tag: funny
“Blurtso wonders what it’s like”
“Blurtso teaches creative visualization” (I)
“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (XCVII)
“Blurtso worries about baseball”
Wow, said Blurtso, another season! Yes, said Harlan. I heard someone say, said Blurtso, that baseball is in trouble. In trouble? said Harlan. Yes, said Blurtso, he said the game has become too slow. The game hasn’t become too slow, said Harlan. It hasn’t? said Blurtso. No, said Harlan, the rest of the world has become too fast.