Tag: snowfall

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (VIII)


The snow is collecting on my nose faster than before. My nose must be getting cold. Pretty soon the snow will blur my features, and I’ll become a rounded version of myself. A more-rounded version. Then I’ll become a swollen lump. Then even that will smooth over, and vanish without a trace.


“Blurtso looks at the snow” (VII)


The snow sure looks soft. I’ll bet I could leap from this treehouse and the snow would break my fall. I’ll bet I could do a back flip and land without a sound. But no one would believe it… if I didn’t make a sound. People don’t put much stock in silence.

“Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (XI)


No, said Bonny, the stream never flows back.

“Blurtso stands in the snow” (IV)


What have you been doing lately? said Alex. I’ve been standing in the snow, said Blurtso. Standing in the snow? said Alex. Yes, said Blurtso, standing in the snow.

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (II)


I wonder how long it will snow? I can hear every little noise in the barn. I can hear the kettle and the ticking of the clock. And the refridgerator… I wonder if Harlan finished the pumpkin pie?

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (I)


I wonder how long it will snow? I wonder how much it is snowing in the mountains? I wonder if there is ice on the stream or if the snow is falling on the water? Snowflakes don’t last very long in the water. Unless there is a rock. Then the snowflakes can land on the rock. I wonder if snowflakes look for rocks in the stream? If I were a snowflake, I would look for a rock in the stream. It would be very sad if I were a snowflake on a rock, to watch all the other snowflakes land in the water. I think I would prefer to land in the water. Then I could be happy for all the snowflakes that landed on rocks.

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (XXV)


I wonder why it seems that everyone I meet is busier than me? I go to school, keep up with my classes, give my time to charitable causes, and help friends in need… but I still have time to sit and watch the snow. Maybe donkey years are longer than human years, and a donkey’s day is seven times longer than a human day.

“Blurtso loses track” (IV)


I’ve opened and closed the latch on this barn door every day for three years, said Blurtso, and I can’t remember what it looks like… I couldn’t begin to describe it, or describe a thousand other things I’ve used again and again and again. Yes, said Harlan, that’s the way it is, we stumble blindly along, and then one day we’re gone and only the forgotten things remain.

“Blurtso watches the popcorn pop”


I wonder if anyone else likes to watch the snow like I do? It’s kind of like watching a movie. Maybe I should make some popcorn to eat while I watch the snow fall…


I wonder if anyone else likes to watch popcorn pop like I do? It’s kind of like watching a movie. Maybe I should make some popcorn to eat while I watch the popcorn pop…