Tag: funny

“Blurtso looks for a sign”


Hey, said Blurtso, is that spring I smell? They say that on the first day of spring a donkey can see his tail if he pokes his head out the barn… or maybe it’s when he can see the shadow of his nose… or when his left ear starts twitching…. I’m bound to find a sign if I go for a walk…



“Roman éClair” (VI)


“He didn’t notice when she came in because he wasn’t there, but when he was he clearly noticed, but pretended not to notice, that she was clearly there. He pretended not notice, so that no one else would notice, that he had clearly noticed that she was clearly there. But she had clearly noticed that he had clearly noticed, and she was clearly there.”

“Blurtso listens to James Taylor on a foggy day”


“Here comes another grey morning,
a not-so-good morning after all…
She says, ‘Well what am I to do today,
with too much time and so much sorrow…’

The clouds with their heads on the ground,
she’s gonna have to come down…
She said, ‘Move me, move me, I’m locked up inside,’
but I didn’t understand her, though God knows I tried…

She said, ‘Make me angry, or just make me cry,
but no more grey morning, I think I’d rather die.’”

“Blurtso fluffs his pillow”


watch Blurtso fluff his pillows

“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (XIV)


“In an instant”

in an instant,
you could have not been born.

You could have had nothing.

You could have lost
the sun, the sky,
the slow moon ascending,
and the harmony
and flicker of leaves.

You could have lost
the rain’s splash
exciting the soil,
the blue beyond,
and the light
and absence of light.

You could have lost everything.

And I could have lost the same,
never knowing the cure
for thirst in a world without you.

“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (XII)


“A song”

I know you are threadbare and worn
with the weary strike of iron
ringing the notes in your name,

And even the tireless minstrel
is tired of his own insistence
on solitude’s graceless strain.

Yet it had been enough,
and the mournful sounds a song,

Had we but moved without motion
in motion through the dawn.

“Blurtso becomes an axolotl”


I read the strangest story in my in my literature class, said Harlan. What was it about? said Blurtso. It was about an aquarium of axolotls, said Harlan. What’s an axolotl? said Blurtso. An axolotl is an ancient, tadpole-like creature. What happened in the story? said Blurtso. Nothing, said Harlan, the axolotls just sat around on the bottom of the aquarium looking through the glass. What a great story, said Blurtso.

“Blurtso considers the the snowflake principle”


I wonder how far a snowflake can fall? I wonder if it changes along the way? I wonder if it starts big and gets smaller, or starts small and gets bigger? I wonder if it thinks it has control over where it’s going, or if it thinks it’s directed by gravity and wind? Maybe gravity and wind are within it, and it does control where it’s going. And the things that create gravity and wind are also within it. And a snowflake determines not only its own course, but the course of time, matter, and space.

“Blurtso watches the popcorn pop”


I wonder if anyone else likes to watch the snow like I do? It’s kind of like watching a movie. Maybe I should make some popcorn to eat while I watch the snow fall…


I wonder if anyone else likes to watch popcorn pop like I do? It’s kind of like watching a movie. Maybe I should make some popcorn to eat while I watch the popcorn pop…

“Roman éClair” (V)


“Her hand was writing before he was writing, then her hand was writing when he was writing and he was writing what she was writing. And his hand was hers. But hers was not his. Then his hand was writing, and her hand was writing, then hers was not, and his was not.”