Wow, said Blurtso, another season! Yes, said Harlan. I heard someone say, said Blurtso, that baseball is in trouble. In trouble? said Harlan. Yes, said Blurtso, he said the game has become too slow. The game hasn’t become too slow, said Harlan. It hasn’t? said Blurtso. No, said Harlan, the rest of the world has become too fast.
Category: Philosophy
“Blurtso considers fairness”
“Blurtso considers love”
“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (XVI)
“Roman Clair” (VIII)
“Starry starry night”
“Blurtso considers his inner parakeet” (XV)
“Roman Clair” (VII)
“Bonny and Pablo hit the hay” (V)
It’s raining on the roof, thought Pablo. The last snow is melting and the earth is beginning to open. Soon the breeze will be warm and the smells will be sweet. It was a long winter, but the cabin was cozy with Bonny and Ditto and a cellar of food. And the crackling fire. What a pleasant place to be, on the edge of spring in the rain, in the warmth of our cabin.