There sure are a lot of ads during the holiday season, said Blurtso. Yes, said Harlan, even more than usual. You wouldn’t think it was possible, said Blurtso, for the advertisers to make people even greedier.
Category: Corporate destruction
“Blurtso considers products and pleasure”
“Blurtso looks at the cars” (I)
“Blurtso watches the cars” (I)
“Blurtso considers overthinking”
“Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (XVII)
“Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (XVI)
“Blurtso rides the elevator”
“Blurtso considers puzzles”
Curse these clumsy hoofs! said Blurtso, kicking away his rubik’s cube and trying to fit two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. They’re not good for anything! He looked at his hooves, then he looked at the puzzle, then he looked at his hooves. Well, he said, they have carried me down many roads and across many fields… maybe solving puzzles isn’t so important.