Category: Paintings

“Bonny teaches the greatest lesson of all”


Ditto is very talented, said Blurtso. I know, said Pablo, Bonny is always teaching him something useful and profound.


watch youtube video

“Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (I)

Yes, said Bonny, there are many flies today… Now, the first step in painting a beautiful canvas is to choose an inspirational subject—a subject that expresses the humility and grandeur of nature…


Excellent! said Bonny.

“Morton’s Pond” (XXII)

“Sounds” – I talked to Pablo about deer ticks and he told me their full name is “ixodes scapularis” and that they drink an animal’s blood four to five days before letting go. He said they can spread lyme disease, but that humans are more susceptible than donkeys. Maybe that’s why there aren’t as many humans in the woods. Maybe now that I know more about deer ticks, they will be less interested in biting me.