“Sights” – Clouds. Lots of clouds. Then one big cloud. A cloud that covered the whole lake and maybe even the world. Everything was whitish grey. It erased the shadows of the leaves and trees. I suppose it sucked them into itself which is why the cloud was dark in spots. It also sucked up sounds. The train wasn’t as noisy, and the birds sang a lower pitch.
Category: Paintings
“Frank visits Concord” (V)
“Frank visits Concord” (IV)
“Morton’s Pond” (IX)
“Morton’s Pond” (VIII)
“Morton’s Pond” (VII)
“Morton’s Pond” (V)
“Sounds” – Birds. The wind. The sloshing of the pond against the shore. And the sound of an airplane. I think it was from an airplane. Because I didn’t hear the sound when I first saw the plane, then I heard the sound and saw the plane, then I didn’t see the plane but I still heard the sound. Maybe the wind blows sound like it blows shadows.