Category: Landscapes

“Blurtso takes a trip” (XVII)


“Ce n’est que votre main, Madame, sur quoi j’ose poser,
gage d’amour certain, Madame, vos doigts de blanc satin.
Il faut m’en excuser, Madame, doo doo dee doo dee doo dee,
j’ai mis dans le baiser mon âme, doo doo dee doo dee doo dee.”
“Ma main?” dit-elle. “Mais, je n’ai pas de main.”

“Blurtso takes a trip” (XVI)


What is it in Venice that makes us feel we have been transported in time? Is it the ancient buildings and bridges, the palaces with their frescoes and the moss-lined canals? Is it the smooth-worn stones or the fountains of the piazze? Is it the stillness of the water and the echoing barcarole? No, it is rather the simple sound of voices and footsteps, heard, as if for the first time, in a city without engines, in a civilized world before the automobile.

“Blurtso takes a trip” (V)

Hello friend, said Blurtso. I think your country is lovely.
Do you know where I can get a pumpkin pie?


¿Qué? ¿Qué me estás diciendo? No entiendo ingles.
¿Y eso? ¿Qué diablos es un pumpkin pie?