January 21, 2017 “Ditto goes to school” (V) Do you miss Ditto, said Bonny, since he started school? What? said Pablo, I’m sorry… I must have been napping.
January 20, 2017 “Ditto goes to school” (IV) Hello, said Virginia, my name is Virginia. Hello, said Ditto. Would you like a hay sandwich?
January 13, 2017 “Ditto goes to school” (III) Bonny told me Ditto started school, said Blurtso. I wonder if his first day was as exciting as my first day at Harvard… O.k., said the teacher, who would like to try this one? How about you in the second row, the one with the boxing-glove nose…
January 11, 2017 “Ditto goes to school” (I) Maybe it’s time to put Ditto in school… What, said the teacher, do you want?
December 28, 2016 “Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (XI) No, said Bonny, the stream never flows back.
December 4, 2016 “Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (X) Aging, said Bonny, is the growth of deterioration.
December 2, 2016 “Blurtso announces the opening of his store” My store is open! said Blurtso. I don’t know, said Pablo, you may need more flags. Visit Blurtso’s store at Blurtsobarn
August 24, 2016 “Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (IX) For Paul Cézanne, a landscape was a collection of geometrical shapes. Excellent! said Bonny.
August 14, 2016 “Bonny and Ditto share some quality time” (VIII) Abstract paintings generally emphasize rhythm, shape and color. Excellent! said Bonny.