It’s a new year… I guess I’d better make a resolution. Let’s see… “this year I resolve to…” hmm… “I resolve…” hmm… what does that mean…? To be “resolved,” to be “determined,” to be “unyielding in one’s purpose,” to be “intransigent,” “inveterate,” “obdurate,” and “inflexible.” Hmm, I don’t really like that. I think being flexible is the key to happiness. Of course, flexibility implies rigidity, that is, something to be “flexible” about. Hmm… what I need is a resolution that is both rigid and flexible… I know!… “This year I resolve… to be less resolved.”
Tag: new years
“Pablo sings his songs”
Here are some songs I’ve written.
Audio PlayerCliffs of the heart
Audio PlayerYou can’t say yes
Audio PlayerThe best we can do
Audio PlayerThe snow is melting
Audio PlayerSlipping into stone
Audio PlayerOut of line
Audio PlayerKindness
Audio PlayerUndo what’s done
Audio PlayerDevil’s Sister
Audio PlayerLiar sun
Audio PlayerBecause I love you
Audio PlayerThe hope it is
Audio PlayerLetting go
Audio PlayerCrossroads night
Audio PlayerTake me there
Audio PlayerAll I want is a breeze
Audio PlayerThe beginning of you
Audio PlayerHell on the inside
Audio PlayerThe kingdom meant for me
Audio PlayerEight ounces of water
Audio PlayerGo around
Audio PlayerCatch, glide and shove
Audio PlayerToo late for you
Audio PlayerThis girl do
Audio PlayerSleeping where the rich people play
Audio PlayerOf all the gold
Audio PlayerEcho
Audio PlayerAfraid this time
Audio PlayerTenderness
Audio PlayerA safe place to go
Audio PlayerSeize the moment
Audio PlayerHaven’t had yet
Audio PlayerMy Michelle
Audio PlayerCruel shapes
Audio PlayerYou made him a promise
Audio PlayerSeventh day
Audio PlayerMy baby’s arms
Audio PlayerMore than the blues
Audio PlayerDrink beer on stage
Audio PlayerI’m in you
Audio PlayerSave me
Audio PlayerGiraffe