Tag: university of utah

“Blurtso is alarmed”


Hey… there she is! What’s wrong? She’s limping… she must have injured her hoof! Oh no! Where was I?! Why wasn’t I there to help her?! I could have caught her when she fell! I wonder how she got hurt? Maybe she tripped on a crack in the sidewalk? Or stumbled when stepping off the curb? Or maybe she’s a gymnast? Yes, she’s a gymnast, a world-class gymnast… and she was hurt performing a dangerous dismount… but managed to stick the landing… and her team won the meet… and she took the gold! Yes, that’s it. I’m sure that’s it. Wow, that Lizzy is really something!

“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (XIV)


“In an instant”

in an instant,
you could have not been born.

You could have had nothing.

You could have lost
the sun, the sky,
the slow moon ascending,
and the harmony
and flicker of leaves.

You could have lost
the rain’s splash
exciting the soil,
the blue beyond,
and the light
and absence of light.

You could have lost everything.

And I could have lost the same,
never knowing the cure
for thirst in a world without you.