Tag: elizabeth

“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (XVI)


“Before you go”

Before you go,
I will tell you what was here.

First, and endless love.

Second, silent
and spoken communication.

Third, any possession worth working for.

Fourth, imagination and a song.

Now you can choose to stay,
or you can go.

“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (XV)


“It is early”

Of course, it is early.
You will hear other voices
sing other songs.

You will choose one.

You will come to know
the depth of the shadows
in the grasses.
You will see friends
grow and wither,
and dreams and sorrows
slip away.

Will you forget these songs?
Will they vanish in the beauty
with which they cannot compete,
the white mountain, the red rose,
the resolute eyes of a lover?

Or will they remain,
and remind you of the glow
your eyes had once,
and the magic they inspired
in the heart of another?

“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (XIV)


“In an instant”

in an instant,
you could have not been born.

You could have had nothing.

You could have lost
the sun, the sky,
the slow moon ascending,
and the harmony
and flicker of leaves.

You could have lost
the rain’s splash
exciting the soil,
the blue beyond,
and the light
and absence of light.

You could have lost everything.

And I could have lost the same,
never knowing the cure
for thirst in a world without you.