“Graham Cracker Crumbs” (VII)


“With two hooves”

With two hooves and a full heart
I have fashioned a poem.

It was born of a fragrant branch
cut from the top of a white mountain.
With a delicate blade I shaped it,
refined its roughness,
I smoothed, sanded, and stroked it
until it had the softness of your snout.
With a dark varnish
I released the blood in its veins.

It was born as you were, it is yours.
I traveled the winds of salt,
where the waves ache
and the rivers meet and mix.
At a silver lake I listened.
I crossed the seasons,
and found in the fountains of spring
the voice that knows your name.

With earth on my hooves,
I bring this poem
to the silent place where you keep
the secrets of your heart.