I wonder if ants worry about the environment? I wonder what they think of global warming? If I were an ant I would want to do something, but they act like they don’t even care. Maybe they don’t take themselves as seriously as we do. Maybe for them this world is just a testing ground, and they’ll all get their reward in heaven. I wonder what an ant has to do to get into heaven? I wonder what heaven is for an ant? Maybe it’s warm barn with plenty of food. That’s what it is for me. And since a warm barn with plenty of food always has a number of ants, and usually a donkey or two, then I’m a part of their heaven and they’re a part of mine. Maybe heaven is not a place at all. Maybe it’s a relationship.
Category: Philosophy
“Blurtso dreams in color”
“Blurtso sees an ant” (III)
“Blurtso reads the morning paper”
Hmm, said Blurtso, licking his hoof and turning the page of the morning paper. Let’s see who did what when and why… love hate, give take, future past, slow fast, here there, then now, what when, who how, win lose, live die, settle choose, where why, fortune fame, pardon blame, smoke choke, weep joke, his hers, yours mine, rain shine, sad fine… rolls are fresh and the coffee’s free, la dee da dee da dee dee.
“Blurtso sees an ant” (II)
“Blurtso sees an ant” (I)
“Blurtso remains unbeaten”
“Blurtso develops a theory of evolution”
“Blurtso stumbles but does not fall”
Ooops, said Blurtso, stumbling on a hole in the grass. I almost turned my hoof and fell. I never do that. At least I didn’t used to. I guess in the future I’ll stumble more often. And then I’ll fall. And one day I’ll fall without stumbling. And then I won’t get up, and I’ll dream of the days when I could stumble and fall.