Tag: alone

“Blurtso longs for Lizzy” (III)


I haven’t seen Lizzy since she was limping across the lawn. And that was two months ago. I wonder what happened to her? I wonder if she quit school, or graduated, or if she was only a tourist who was on campus for a week, and then went home? I suppose she’s out there somewhere. I wonder what she’s doing right now? I wonder if her hoof has healed? It’s hard enough to limp around when the weather is nice, but it’s worse in the snow. I wonder if she’s alone, or with someone special? Wherever she is, I hope she’s happy… and her hoof has healed.

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (XIV)


More snow. This winter is really something. I think my coat is turning white. Pretty soon I’ll begin to look like a polar bear… or a polar donkey. And on a day like today, I’d be invisible. I wonder what it would be like to be invisible, and not have anyone notice me? I suppose I could always stomp one someone’s shoe… to make sure I’m alive.

“Blurtso considers the importance of Valentine’s Day”


Today is Valentine’s Day… I suppose a lot of couples are celebrating, and a lot of singles are not. Some have been reminded of how fortunate they are, and others how unfortunate. But most importantly of all, the stores have sold truckloads of candy.

“Blurtso finds a barn”


What a nice barn, thought Blurtso. I wonder where the animals are? And the people? It’s hard to believe they’ve abandoned this barn. I guess they’ve all rushed off to the future.

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (XXII)


Today is Valentine’s Day… I suppose a lot of couples are celebrating, and a lot of singles are not. Some have been reminded how fortunate they are, and others how unfortunate. And most importantly of all, the stores have sold truckloads of candy.

“Blurtso looks at the snow” (XIX)


I wonder if I’m a hermit? I’ve never met another donkey who spends as much time alone as I do. But I rarely feel alone. There’s always something outside the window, or inside the barn, that captures my attention and spends the day with me.